Menstruation is when the uterus lining sheds, this shows as bleeding from your vagina - if you're bleeding then you are likely menstruating. Brown flow simply means that your period is light, it's taking time to leave the body so going brown and mixing with discharge.
You didn't miss your period. THAT was your period.
if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x
It means miss as in miss brown or miss Washington
I miss my period 3 weeks now, i start bleeding, and pregnancy test came up negative.. i am so confuse because this is my first time
Nothing, this is a perfectly normal withdrawal bleed from missing your pills.
It could mean nothing.
Ofcourse,and if she misses a period this doesn't mean that she's pregnant.
The brown discharge actually could be part of your period. If you are only a few days from a missed period my guess is you will start any day now ( if you haven't all ready). If you are young and just starting your period it may take a year or so for it to settle down to a regular cycle and periods also can be delayed by stress or if you have been sick.
Miss Brown to You was created in 1935.
In fact, a majority of women may miss one period or so, but can still have regular menstruation cycles while pregnant.
If you are not ovulating, you will not get a period. If you get a regular period then you can assume you are ovulating. Some women will bleed heavily, while others bleed lightly. Some women will bleed heavy the first couple of days and on the 3rd day on dwindle down to nothing, or, they may even miss a period or two which can be caused from stress, over exercising or poor eating habits. Some women may just spot. It's a good idea to get a yearly physical from your doctor and mention this. At 38+ you can actually start perimenopause which can cause you to bleed heavily, bleed hardly at all or miss serveral periods. When you actually get into menopause you stop having periods. Marcy
This may mean that you period is irregular which you should go to your doctor and it may be a smart idea to take a pregnancy testy