If you fantasize about kissing someone, it doesn't necessarily mean you are in love with them. You may have a crush on them, or fancy them.
they are kissing someone else
French Kissing
sure is
You don't like them
It doesn't mean anything, they may have been just playing around - it is not a normal kissing practice.
you either like them or you just like their kisses
You can get a cold sore by kissing someone that has it.
smooches means how many times have you snoged someone
Common kissing can be one of two things: 1. someone who kisses the way common, vulgar people do 2. someone who kisses somebody's "common". i will NOT discuss what that means!!
no you can not get the uti from kissing anyone
you might still have feelings for him!
"Frenching" is a colloquial term for French kissing, which involves kissing with open mouths and using tongue. It's a more intimate and passionate form of kissing compared to a peck on the lips.