Hmm...I've never really acted on these impulses but I do want to hug the guy on a regular basis i assure you. For me it's because I'm too shy to do anything about it. But mainly it just means that she likes you and wants to get as close to you as possible, as frequent as possible. It just feels nice to be hugged by the person you like, don't you think? Even if the person, in this case you, have no clue about her feelings, it still feels good. I actually acted on impulse once and I was in dreamland for the next 3 days after. I actually had a spring in my step. Haha. Goodluck!
A hug from a girl can mean various things, such as showing affection, friendship, support, comfort, or simply a greeting gesture. The context in which the hug is given, the relationship between the individuals, and their cultural norms can all influence the meaning behind the gesture.
Tender? Be careful! Just because the beautiful girl hugged you, Doesn't mean she wants to go out with u. If u r talking about people your age that is.
It means that he likes the the girl, or it could just mean that they're close
Yes Of Coarse ....
It might mean that she likes you and is trying to make a move.
It might be she has a crush on the boy she first hugged and it took her some mental work (as in overcoming) to do that. When she did it she blushed and as an excuse to hide that she has a crush she hugged everyone else around too.
Explain that the other girl is just your friend then kiss your gf
It means your relationship is going no where unless you talk to each other about it face to face and solve the issue.
the thought that u actuallly hugged a girl other than someone related 2 u by blood
fruit basket
infinitive: hug past: hugged past participle: hugged
The duration of Bunny Hugged is 420.0 seconds.
The past tense of "hug" is "hugged".