It is your body's way of preparing for your period. The cramping should only happen at least two or three days before you start your period. If you don't start, it may have been your body releasing an egg. The spotting, is very normal. Again, your body is preparing for your period.
unless the next month you miss your period and you dont have one no. Cramping and nausea come with your period
If have missed a normal period, and have experienced spotting and cramping that isn't like your normal flow, taking a pregnancy test is recommended. It is relatively common in early pregnancy to have spotting and cramping from the fertilized egg burrowing into your uterine lining. If it comes back negative, don't fret. Major changes can affect your menstrual cycle, from changes in birth control, exercise habits and even stress, to name a few.
Pregnant didn't know it . It could be your body wanting to have it's period but it can't because you pregnant or miscarrying
I have the same things and I have pcos. Possibly you are having implantation bleeding. Get a blood test done.
Sometimes skipping the sugar pills can result in a earlier period which could be why you're cramping. After your period arrives the cramping should receed. Meanwhile don't miss anymore pills.
Yes. You can have spotting in between cycles or at the start of a very light period. Take a home pregnancy test if you'd like to confirm whether or not you are pregnant
Cramping can happen whenever! I sometimes get cramps 2 weeks before I actually start my period. My worse cramps come the day before and the day of my period.
Spotting is just that...period blood that isn't a full on flow. There will little bits here and there.
I took 8 cytotec in 2 days but bleed little now am spotting with cramps am I still pregnant
i think there is because, spotting is usually lighter then a period and the shot causes your hormones to act up. which would in some cases cause some spotting.