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That means that every post they make goes into your notifications right when they upload it.

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Q: What does it mean when you add someone as favorite on facebook?
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What you have to do to be a friend with someone on facebook?

Add them.

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Can someone from Facebook add someone from MySpace to there mafia?

No. While it is the same game they are not interconnected. In order to add someone to your mafia they have to be on your friends list. Therefore it's impossible to add someone from facebook to mysace and vice versa

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It probably means he doesn't want to add you on Facebook.

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Shot for the add , as in thanks for the add :)

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If they say 'Inbox me!' or something like that they mean they want you to add them as a friend on facebook.

How to view photos of someone who has privacy ON FACEBOOK?

add them to your friend list ;)

What does it mean when you add someone on Facebook and it says they accepted but they're not on your friends list or wall and it says add friend on their profile i don't get it?

You may have added them as a friend but if you visit someone's profile page and it says add friend on their profile it means they deleted you as a friend. Deleting friends is common on Facebook and most times if you have a lot of friends you won't notice it.

How can someone add tyler Williams as a friend on facebook?

by typing his name and when you get through click add friend

What does AddnPW mean on Facebook?

add new puntuation world

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How do you request someone be a friend on Facebook?

you have to press on "add as a friend" and you will send them a request