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It means she's a lesbian!!!

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Q: What does it mean when wife cheats on you with girl?
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What does it mean when a guy cheats on you and is now dating that girl?

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I suppose you could look at it that way. When he has sex with his wife, he is cheating on his lover and vice versa.

Does hubby mean the same for a girl?

No, hubby is short for husband so for a girl it would be wife.

What does it say about the man who cheats on his wife brings the women he cheats with to his home and has sex with that women in his bed he shares with his wife?

Such a man would not appear to respect his wife or his marriage vows.

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No. She's only cheating on her boyfriend if she goes out with another person at the same time.

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I assume you mean "your girl friend". You don't..

When a guy cheats on his wife or girlfriend does it mean he is not the right one?

Yes, because if he was the right one, he would be faithful and want no body but you.

What does it mean when a girl cheats on a guy?

It means she needs more than one guy to feel good about herself

Does Zacky Vengeance have a girl?

If you mean a girl as in a child, no. Zacky Vengeance does not have any kids. If you mean a girl as in a girlfriend or a wife, yes. Zacky Vengeance is married to Gena Paulhus.