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he likes you too and hes really happy you like him

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4mo ago

If the boy you like is shocked to know that you like him, it could mean that he was caught off guard and wasn't expecting it. His reaction could stem from surprise, uncertainty, or even a lack of awareness of your feelings towards him. It might be a good idea to have an open and honest conversation with him to clarify things.

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Q: What does it mean when the Boy You Like is shocked if he knows you like him?
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What does it mean a boy is shocked when he knows you like him?

it means he has a pet rat

What does it mean when a boy you like knows you like him and he is shocked?

He's been too embarrassed to admit his feelings. You are open and tell him how you feel, he is then scared as he has to deal with his emotions. He is also very happy that he finally gets to be with you

What does it mean when a girl knows you like her?

it means that she knows you like/are in love with her

What does it mean a boy you likes says he knows you like him?

It means he knows you like him. It's how he comes across that matters.

What if you likes this girl and she knows you like her but she acts like she likes your best friend?

She might not be interested in you. Just because she knows you like her doesn't mean she will like you back.

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That she probably doesn't like you back.

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Does a boy like you if he tells you he doesnt but he knows that you like him?

Most likely, no. Just because YOU like him, doesn't mean he has to like you back. He told you he didn't like you. He knows that you like him, and if he did like you back, he would've asked you out by now.

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What i think it mean that he is just Shocked!!!

What does it mean when a boy knows you like him stares at you and whispers to his friends about you?

It means he likes you back, or he knows you like him, so he tells his friend.

What does it mean when a guy knows you like him buts says cool?

they don't like you but willing to date you.

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