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it means that they wouldn't waste their time on the dumb girl

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11mo ago

When teen boys call girls too dumb to date, it is a clear display of disrespect and sexism. It suggests a lack of regard for a girl's intelligence and worth as a person, reducing her to a stereotype rather than seeing her as an individual deserving of respect. This behavior is harmful and unacceptable.

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Q: What does it mean when teen boys call girls too dumb to date?
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Well, there are smart girls and dumb girls, smart boys and dumb boys. It may only seem that way, but both genders are equal. It somewhat has to do with how the female brain develops in the wound giving us the ability to multitask, but still.

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girls that spread rumours, vein girls, girls that pretend to be dumb for attention, girls that wear too much make up, girls with no friends, girls that are mean, dumb girls, overly skinny girls, easy girls, girls that can't dress.

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Some girls show off what they have like butt and boobs but its dumb but alot of boys like it

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Because boys are made to be stupid.Girls are made to be smart.If u had to look this question up, u r as dumb as boys or u r one.

Do Boys like bumb-blonde girls?

;( I should hope not! I would hope boys would like girls for who they are, not for their appearance, or apparent lack of brain cells. Boys. *tut*. Honestly? It depends on the boy, if he likes that kind or not. Some boys like Intelligent girls, while others like the so called "Dumb" ones. We are all different, and we all like different things. Good luck with finding an answer though since i think mine suck! ;) x Firstly you should not call girls with blonde hair dumb because if you do so it is being racist and very rude. Seondly yes they might like girls who are blonde but all girls and all boy are different so they don't all like the same type of girls.Thirdly if you asked this queston because all the boys you no like the "dumb blodes" then all you need is a make over as i would no i am a professional make-up artist i hope i helped you =) xxx

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Calling boys "dorks" is a stereotype and not accurate for all boys. Just like girls, boys have different personalities, interests, and characteristics. It's important to avoid making generalizations about individuals based on their gender.

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Dumb Chicks ? or they might be the all yellow type ... and they are both boys and girls and only time will tell .