It means they are "pissed off," or mad.
It mean text tone this means when someone texts you the phone will make this noise
You're probably thinking of cyber bullying. Saying mean things to and about someone on chats, blogs, texts and so on.
In texting, KTS means "kupo typing syndrome." This phrase is used when someone is making frequent typos in their texts.
It means you will receive texts (to your mobile phone) with updates.
What does XML mean in a text
Its foolish text language for Straight. Pure laziness. If someone texts you str8 it is implying someone sexual orientation. ************************************************** str8 means you like/love women if your not str8 that is OK.
He is just making sure that you're not seeing someone else. He might be jealous and doesn't want to lose you.
That's lame. It's just the opposite. It means nothing. Most people say what when someone talks to him/her. No offense, but it means nothing. IT's just a reflexive action. Take it from someone who knows.
he loves you