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Q: What does it mean when someone from omegle ask's you your M?
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If Someone asks "ASLMH?" They're asking for your Age, Sex, Location, Music, Hobbies My advice, don't (if you don't know who you're talking to)

What should we reply for a person who asks you how do you do?

You should say just how you feel..I mean you should say "I`m good" , or " I`m fine" , "I`m great" , "I`m happy to see you" . Like that.. . How do you do? = How are you? .

What does it mean when someone has a dream about m dying?

If someone has a dream about dying, this might mean that they are looking towards the end of something in their life. This might mean that they are facing the end of a journey.

If a girl is twenty one years younger than someone and his dad is m what does m mean?

m is some measure of his dad - whoever he is, and whoever his dad is!

Who m i?

When somebody asks who is, he expects you to give a precise but accurate description of the person.

What materials start with M?

This is really simple. There aren't any. So ask someone else. I mean

Why are m y friends making fun of m e?

these people are NOT your friends, they are mean, so lose them ASAP, and find someone or group of people that will like you just the way you are.

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In LEM what does the M mean

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m&m yum!

You m interested in buying bike and he says that it is for 56K idont understand that how much rs he says?

56K is a short code for saying 56,000. Therefore, if someone asks for the price of a bike in Rs and the quote says 56K, that means the cost will be 56,000 Rs.

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M a monomail?

i mean m a monomial