Money making machine
m to the second power means multiply m by itself, or m x m.
A set of numbers will have a mean, which is defined as the sum of all the values divided by the number of values. Suppose this mean is m. For each of the values, the squared deviation is the square of the difference between that value and m. Algebraicly, if you have a set {x1, x2, x3, ... , xn}, whose mean is m, then the squared deviation from the mean for x1 is (x1 - m)2.
Do you mean TEXAS A & M ?
S=Sado M=Masochism = sadomasochism
If Someone asks "ASLMH?" They're asking for your Age, Sex, Location, Music, Hobbies My advice, don't (if you don't know who you're talking to)
You should say just how you feel..I mean you should say "I`m good" , or " I`m fine" , "I`m great" , "I`m happy to see you" . Like that.. . How do you do? = How are you? .
If someone has a dream about dying, this might mean that they are looking towards the end of something in their life. This might mean that they are facing the end of a journey.
m is some measure of his dad - whoever he is, and whoever his dad is!
When somebody asks who is, he expects you to give a precise but accurate description of the person.
This is really simple. There aren't any. So ask someone else. I mean
these people are NOT your friends, they are mean, so lose them ASAP, and find someone or group of people that will like you just the way you are.
In LEM what does the M mean
m&m yum!
56K is a short code for saying 56,000. Therefore, if someone asks for the price of a bike in Rs and the quote says 56K, that means the cost will be 56,000 Rs.
i mean m a monomial