Not very complicated. Sometimes as an insult- judging a book by it's cover or all about themselves.
its paid
some one say your special probably means you are importing to then or you are very special :)
Jinxed means fooled or tricked and also it could mean hoaxed.
# A shallow body of water, especially one separated from a sea by sandbars or coral reefs. # A shallow body of liquid waste material, as one in a dump.
It means he is dead
he wants to think if your the right one for him to be with and to think about the relastionship
It means that she doesn't care about herself or what she does and she doesn't care what anyone thinks of what she does.
He means what he says. What he means is, "when i make you mai'll know".
It means when a person says i got five a+s and someone else says i got ten a+s that is being called one-upperone some whan always says there twice as good as that person
You are in a better position to answer that than we are. Extravagant statements usually mean little. It's the quite, sincere ones that count.
The term 'straight up' means that person agrees and likes the photo.
It's just a saying, meaning "because we're cool like that."