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It's a prank, usually pulled around Halloween, but it can be any time. It's called "TPing" the tree. The reason it's done is because it's difficult to get it out, thus making a problem for the owner of the tree. Washing it out with water will only make it worse, so manual removal may be the best way, really. That or cut down the tree, but then you're out a tree.

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Q: What does it mean when people throw toilet paper in your trees?
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Related questions

Why would people cut trees for?

toilet roll/paper

Why do people put toilet paper on trees?

It is really a form of very low-key vandalism. It is just done to be annoying.

How can you save paper in your school?

Throw paper into a recycle bin so that the paper will be recycled into new paper. This will save trees.

How many tree does it take to make 12 rolls of toilet paper?

About 384 trees. This is how many trees are used to make the toilet paper rolls that one American uses within his or her lifetime. Here is the math: "It takes 48 full grown trees to make roughly 500 rolls of toilet paper. So using that number it takes about 1/10th of an adult grown paper tree to produce 10 rolls of toilet paper. Every American in the United States, roughly 300+ million, uses at the very least 49 rolls of toilet paper a year. That is 5 trees a person." (from

Why are trees in the daintree rainforest are gettting cut down?

to make wood pulp and toilet paper and paper and other stuff

Why did the boy bring a toilet paper to the party?

Probably to use to go T-P-ing. Sometimes kids vandalize property by stringing toilet paper in the trees. This is called "T-P-ing ". It is fairly harmless unless you are the ones who have to clean it up, and it is a waste of paper (and trees).

What do you call it when a house is drenched with toilet paper?

I'm not sure as different places will call it different things.VandalismCriminal DamageProbationJuvenile Detention"TP'ed" the 'TP' standing for Toilet Paper.

What happens if there are a few trees?

land slides, too much co2, and no more toilet paper.

What are the most common pranks that kids do on Halloween?

Egg houses and toilet paper roll trees

Is it illegal for a 10 year old to toilet paper a house?

It's illegal for a person of any age to toilet paper a house. It is trespassing. Not to mention rude. Would you like it if you had to spend hours unraveling toilet paper from your trees because some kid played a prank on you?

Why toilet paper a house?

A soft paper which is used to ensure good hygiene.

What do people make from trees?

Paper :)