It usually means he finds you unattractive, or he could possibly just think your ugly...
it means your UGLY!
When a guy calls a girl he was seeing an ugly, skinny rasher. It means that he is upset or angry with that girl.
she is very special friend.
a witch, in the form of an ugly old woman, often used as an insult.
It could mean he really does think you ugly or he just wanted to get your attention. It could mean something totally different too, though.
Almost nothing, especially if he's British.
He likes you more than just a friend sweetheart. Call him boo next time he calls you that and see how he reacts
The old adage says that living well is the best revenge.
he is sweet talking you or if ou are going out he just made you a nick name. :) but sometimes my guy friend calls me baby when he wants something from me
it means you remind him of his grandma..... your old ugly and fat....jks
It means he likes you.
It mean he thinks ur cool or he thinks of u as a friend Example; guy: wassup boss? girl: nothing much