It means he is not physically attracted towards girls with that hairstyle or associates it with a woman of dislike from his childhood. Freud would suggest that his mother wore the hairstyle that he prefers and that is why he has asked you to change it.
It means he wants you to change your hairstyle.
There does not have to be a secret unspoken underlying meaning to everything someone does or says. Most often it means nothing other than what you see or hear. If someone offers you a cup of coffee mostly it simply means they are offering you a cup of coffee.
Certainly there may be occasions when someone goes beyond this but without knowing the person or the exact circumstances it is impossible to define what they mean.
It means that when you and a girl meet, and you have short hair, and you chat, and later you go home, and when your hair is long, and you meet her again. Every time you grow your hair longer, you meet her. Then she asks if you're growing out your hair.
If someone asks you if your bald, they are usually referring to the hair you got down there..
1-The style in which the hair has been cut. 2-The act of cutting the hair.
okappa bobbed hair (from resemblance to the mythical Kappa's hair style)
It means he liked how her hair was cut & styled.
if who asks
rogat is he asks (she asks / it asks).It can also regularly mean to ask for.benedictionem rogat he asks for a blessing.
The meaning of the phrase "to have one's hair in a quiff" refers to hairstyle. The style is to have a large amount of hair at the top front of the head and short trimmed hair on the sides and back.
They want to know what you are thinking about that relationship or what they would change or do in that relationship.
He finds it odd that you have had so many different hair styles. If his opinion matters, you are free to ask him which hair style he thinks works best for you.
It usually refers to when somebody asks "What time is it?" and the other person doesn't have a watch. But they look at their wrist anyways. All they see (Sometimes) is a freckle past a hair.
Hair dressing is the styling of hair to make it look better and more fashionable. It might mean cutting it. It might mean putting it up in a "beehive" style. It could mean braiding it. It means arranging the hair to make it look better and more attractive or to make a political statement.