it means when you click on your applications folder and click a application such as a dictinary and you double click on that then it is reviewing it then while your waiting it is in REVIEW PROCESS
On a green card application, PERM refers to the Program Electronic Review Management process, which is a labor certification.
that mean nothing.....i have my application under review for past 1 year.....
The certification process typically involves application submission, review by certification body, assessment or audit of applicant's compliance with standards, and final decision on certification issuance.
It is really simple. It means that the acceptance committee is looking over your application and they are deciding if they are going to accept you into their college.
If you've applied for, college, and you see that a departmental status review is required, it simply means that a decision on your application has not been made yet.
It can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks to review and application, depending on where you applied.
It is a commercial printing process for the application of metallic foil to a solid surface with the application of heat and adhesive
If your application is approved for review, it means that it is "complete" and there are no disqualifiers such as felony conviction, legal resident, etc, that is making it a disqulified application. If an interviewer has an incomplete appliction it would be a waste of everyone's time to have an interview that doesn't have the paperwork finished.
According to the internet, a wafe is a computer application in two parts: a front-end (Wafe) and an application program running as a separate process.
G. M. Potter has written: 'A review of the heap-leaching process for precious-metal ores and its possible application in the Kingdom of SaudiArabia'
A pending application is one that has not been reviewed yet. It means that it is submitted and waiting for review.
nope, it means that the admissions office is swamped and they're trying to process all the applications, review them, and make decisions. sit tight, you'll hear back soon!