When a person thinks a lot, it generally means that they spend a significant amount of time processing information, forming ideas, and contemplating various aspects of life or a particular topic. It could indicate introspection, problem-solving, creativity, or deep analysis depending on the context of their thoughts.
it means a person who big's them self up (thinks a lot of them self).
If a person thinks constantly about a certain individual, it is not unusual for that individual to appear in the person's dreams.
It means what does the average person thinks of a certain story.
When she thinks about him a lot, maybe even has a crush on him
It is a word for a person who always thinks they are sick or might get sick.
He most likely thinks you are very pretty and he is interested in you.
He probably thinks your pretty, he likes you, or you have food on your mouth.
a person that thinks positive
He probably means it, but most likely he just wants to be friends. It means that you're an awesome friend :) But, if you have feelings for him, and he truly thinks that world of you, he shouldn't have a problem if you tell him how you feel about him.
Answer It sounds like he really likes you a lot and thinks you are special or unique meaning different from the others. Sounds too like maybe he loves you too
It means they are treating you kindly out of pity for you.