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The person feels like an outsider of a group.

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Q: What does it mean when a person feels marginalized?
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Which is an example of person feeling marginalized?

Elizabeth feel that no one likes her because she has freckles.

What do you mean by marginalized groups?

Marginalized groups are those who are "outside" the Dominant Group. they dont have the power +/or their Belives, norms, rules and social practices are NOT important.

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it means buck up if you like him or her tell the person. This could be the person you fall in love with!!!!!

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it means you still miss the person but the memories and how you feel about the person are still strong

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Kleptomania is a disorder in which a person feels that they need to steal things and they cannot stop themselves. A person that has this disorder is called a kleptomaniac.

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How the author fells about the person,place or thing.

What does it mean to come across a distant?

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What does it mean when a person speaks fast?

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How can you tell if the person is not physically fit?

a person is not physically fit if he/she feels weak. cannot think clearly. feels uncomfortable