That she is missing something in her marriage. Also that she has no morals. You sould run and dont look back a women like that will never do u right. LOOK WHAT SHE IS DOING TO HER HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a guy kisses a girl on the cheek in India when married or dating.
It means the boys loves you and wants to have sex with you!
If he has many female friends & he only kisses your hand and bless you, it means he has a soft heart for you & he care for you. So he kisses your hand to show you that he likes you.
if you mean spinster, a woman who never married
married woman
Most likely, Homosexuality or they were dared.
kisses on messages
some men are just more csual with that sort of stuff than others, i know a marries man who kisses my married auntie and mum for a long time on the lips, but thats just his culture, he doesnt consider it to be a sign of love... i know (weird)
she is married.
not nessarally
He wants to have sex with that woman.
For their mutual pleasure