It means he has great feelings for you that are not sexual. He has great trust in you and feels like he can tell yoh anything but doesn't want to do anything sexual.
No. Actually he is a friendly guy. His son calls me his sister cause I look and act just like his dad. Mark Calloway is a nice guy he gives a good bj
If a guy calls you "kid", it is a term of endearment.
They like them dir da dir.
It sounds like a comment on your cooking abilities.
He like you He wants something He's teasing you
this could mean that your sister might like the same guy as well.
Not always. I mean it's like you calling someone 'Hun,' it doesn't always mean you like them like a relationship like.
a bodybuilt guy
Love you like a sister means that although the guy is fond of you, your relationship is not going anywhere. You will never be romantically involved as far as he's concerned.