Whistling at a girl is often seen as disrespectful and objectifying, reducing her to an object of desire rather than treating her with respect. It can make the girl feel uncomfortable or harassed. It is important to communicate with others in a respectful manner and refrain from behaviors that can be perceived as inappropriate.
yes or the guy is just flirting with the girl
That that girl thinks that that guy is handsome.
it means that the guy or girl is with another guy or girl at the same time that they are with you
What do you mean by "Guy aids"?
The had sexual intercourse with that guy or girl
that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl. that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl.
Clarify what you mean. If you mean that a guy is bullying a girl, it means that he's being an @$$hole.
are you a guy or girl? if you a guy and you have a guy on your mind your gay and if its a girl you like her. if your a girl vise-versa
Well first of all are you a girl or a guy..? OK if ur a girl that mean's that he probably want's to have sex with you in real life.! But if your a guy, that probaly mean that the guy is gay..!
They are bestfriends
OK so if a guys whistles at you when you are walking down the street it means he likes what he sees, or he just straight up likes you. But in the other hand if a guy whistles at you while you are somewhere like a library or the dentist its to get your attention and tell you something :)
To text the girl back.