Answer Could be, why don't you do something in return for this guy and see where that takes you.
When a guy says you are a hand full it could be meant in a good way. He may mean that you are bold in what you want, or that you are a lot of fun.
If your asking this, your to young to be having sex!
it means he is spraying his confetti everywhere in all of the excitement of sex
It means he thinks you have a nice butt but doesn't like you.
DTF= Down To F@%k
"dtf" means down to f**k :/ gto mean grand touring over
DTF is an acronym for "down to f**k?", commonly used in texting or on the Internet.
Down to frolic
Down to f**k, I think
When a guy tells you he feels a pit in his chest, he means that he has a chest pain.
If a guy tells his friends that his girlfriend is quality, he means that she is a great girlfriend.
She does not like him
When a guy tells you he found the key to your heart it means he wants to be with you forever; he is the one for you
It Means he want to be your boyfriend!