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he basicly wants to see other people and still see you but not in a realationship form.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy tells you he wants to build a friendship?
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What does it mean when a guy says he wants more than friendship?

When a guy says he wants more than friendship, it means he probably wants to be in a relationship.

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hes planning to engage

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It could indicate that he has romantic feelings for you and wants to take your friendship to a more intimate level. It's important to communicate openly with him about your feelings and boundaries to determine if you both are on the same page.

A girl invite you out for coffee what is that mean?

It means she wants friendship Or it could mean she likes you

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Exactly that. He wants to be friends with you.

What does it mean if a single Woman tells a man she wants to have his baby?

she wants you to get her pregnant

What does it mean if a guy tells you that you are really pretty and amazing and then says he just wants to be friends?

he just wants to be friends. He probably really likes you but if you date each other it might ruin your friendship and all he's doing is trying to stop that from happening.

What doest it mean when your girfriend tells you that she wants to break up for now but she wants your friendship and to tallk to you?

maybe she doesn't feel as comfortable as she wants to be yet and doesn't want to lead you on. But of course that doesn't mean she doesn't want you to be her friend. So, just take it slow and wait for her to be ready again. I mean if you love her very much, youll wait for her...right? ;)

What does it mean when your boyfriend tells you he wants to miss you more?

He wants to avoid you Answered by G.S.Nair

What does it mean when a guy tells you he wants you to be his boo?

it means he wants to take your v card

What do it mean when a boy say he would like to be your friend?

It means he values your friendship and wants to build a connection with you based on trust, support, and shared experiences. He sees potential for a positive and enjoyable relationship with you.

What does a woman mean when she tells you she is a butterfly?

It may mean that she wants to be free to do whatever she wants to do, whenever she wants to do it, yes; but, does it also mean that she wants to have the freedom to be romantic and/or "physical" with other men, too?