Usually nothing just that the guy wants to have a friendly conversation.
He wants to get to know you...
either was really in the conversation or likes you
Either that or he finds the topic of conversation fascinating or amusing.
Wondering why you're looking at him.... Or he likes you
It could mean that he likes talking to you!
He is trying to start conversation which means he likes you!
The conversation(and the girl) was obviously was on his mind. Your best bet is to ask him.
If a guy texts back quickly, it could mean he is interested in the conversation and values your communication. He might also be available and eager to continue the conversation.
it probably means hes just nervous and is nott willing to start a conversation with you. Instead you should start the conversation with him.
By having a conversation then it starts to slow down...Then lean in
it normally doesnt mean much if its only an hour
If you want to be mean, join in their conversation. Or, you could just smile at the guy and walk on by.