sometimes it catches them off guard. for example, if you're in class and you smile or look at them randomly without a real reason, it kind of freaks them out. sometimes they'll say it if they like you, too. depending on their tone of voice, of course. if they say it in a fake annoyed yet flirty kind of way, hmm...there's probably something there. but if they just snap at you, like "WHAT?!" then they're probably freaked out/actually annoyed by you.
He is stupified with lust. --- or he is just thinking about something else and happens to be looking that way. ;)
He wants to talk to you, but he is too shy to do so! Go over and say hi... It may work put well! :)
If the guy next to you stares into your eyes without breaking contact or smiling, he might be hypnotized by the color of your eyes. Alternately, you may have something on your face that he is focusing on or he may even be looking at something over your shoulder.
He likes you.
try smiling or a small wave and see what happens if you get no response write him off as a creeper.
it means he like you or he's into u give it a shot
It's just attraction and not true love.true love exists in purity and not in ATTRACTION...if you love the guy/ girl that attracts then hell surely opens to you
Hheeellllooo it means he likes her! Duhhhhhh and that he wants to seriously kiss
He probably thinks you are beautiful,as all girls are.
he wants the D.
Yes. Excessive starting and smiling (even with the kiss) reveals that he likes you and maybe you too should go out if you feel the same way.
If he stares, and quickly looks away when he looks at you, then yes. If he just stares, and stares, and stares and doesn't even flinch when you look at him, then no.