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It probably means that he likes you, but lacks the self-confidence to actually confront you or is just intimidated by you.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy stares at you a lot in a nice way every minute?
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What does it mean when a boy stares at you when your not looking and stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you and he has a girlfriend does he like you?

Yes He Does Likes You

What does It mean if a guy stares at you and sits next to you one minute and then calls you mean names the day after - then the day after goes back to being nice?

Remenber, guys ask girls out. In this case heprobably has a crush on you.

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes all the time and he's nice to you but when he's with his friends he stares at you?

It means you're still in middle school.

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes in a mean way for a long time but he is always nice to you?

He's probably just playing with you

What does it mean when a boy always stares into your eyes and is nice to you but never talk to you?

it means he likes you and is embarrassed to tell you

A guy is indifferent towards you one minute and friendly the next -he teases u- he stares at you when you catch him he quickly looks away-he does favors for you- he calls you randomly-does he like u?

YEAH! go girl when a boy is mean to you and then nice he totally likes you

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes all the time and is nice and he complements you and he has people know every thing about you but he has a girlfriend?

It probably means he's in to you. He might want to break up with his girlfriend I'm guessing

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes and is nice to you and when he's with his friends he acts different?

it means he is embarrassed to tell his friends he likes you!

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you does he like you?

yes he likes you he is just afraid to let u know that

What does it mean when a boy is always nice to you ans he stares into your eyes all the time but he doesn't talk to you?

He likes you but hes too shy to talk to you.

What does it mean when a boy stares into your eyes and you touch something and he touches it after you?

he likes you, and wants to date you. Or, he is jealous. But, if he is nice, then he wants to date you! I<3 relationships!

What does it mean when a boy really likes and he stares into your eyes and is nice to you but he never talks to you?

well, it could mean that hes totally into you but hes shy. give it time and hell come around