It means that you are great as a group or couple for something. It depends on what the event was. This can also mean that he likes you.
What characteristics do you think make a great team player?
what does being part of a great team mean to you
it mean that that one player got taken off one team and put on another team to play on
cause i know
yes they would
Sports can be great because they are entertaning to watch and can make you healthy
'Tean' isn't a German word. Probably 'Team' is meant here. 'Ein tolles Team' means 'a great team'.
Do the missions where is says "recruit the (Insert class type)".
That you are in it to win it. Do anything for the team. Wiling to sacrifice for the team. Basically doing what you can to make your team proud and your teammates will do the same..that is if they take it seriously.
In synergy, we make a great team.
There is no "Greek" Soccer team. I think you mean is Greece a good soccer team?? they're not great...they're a very average team...maybe lower than average