She might be scared of other things people have told her about your bad rep. (if u have one0 But then again, girls love bad boys.
It means that the girl is falling head over heels for this guy and might not be able to control herself.
She likes you. Plan and Simple!
It means he thinks you're stupid.
well when a guy says youre then that means hes not really into the subject of topic that ur takin about....=-)
It means she wants to lust with you.
When a guy says he is attracted to you sexually, he is expressing a physical desire for you. It means he is physically interested in engaging in intimate activities with you.
Not necessarily.
Likes you. If she says it a lot, then she really likes you
i t means he is sexually attached to you & can not just neglect your prescence
Answer It could mean that he enjoyed you sexually or he enjoyed your company and in either case he wants more.
it means she thinks of you as a trustworthy friend. it also can mean that when things are messed up, youre her rock
Sex appeal refers to the ability to excite a man sexually.
It mean's u had a sexual relationship with them- not a "Relationship-Relationship" with them. Like F-buddies almost...