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Means he's joking lol

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says i hate you jokingly?
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What does it mean when a guy calls you his sidekick?

It depends if he says it sweetly he may like you. if he says it jokingly he is just a close friend!

What does it mean if you ask a guy if he hates you and he says no not even close?

means he dont hate you

What does it mean when a guy says I was just messing with you I don't hate you It's just so easy to be mean to you?

It probably means just what it says. He was joking and he believes it is easy to be mean to you, but he does not hate you. This might be due to flaws in his personality or the way you react when he is mean to you.

Does a guy like you when his friends jokingly ask you out for him?

no most of the time it for a mean joke i have done it before... if that guy talks to you then he might do...

What if you tell a guy if he wants to hear abt a guy ulike and he says watever and then says you should ask tht guy out it dus not mean anything does it?

If the guy that asked hoo do u like and he says waters that kinda means he likes u or if that guy asks u hoo u like and he says waterer and u ask the guy out it cud mean that the guy asked u he cud hate the guy u asked out

If a guy jokingly tells you to call him all the time does this really mean he wants you to?

Probably, do it and see what happens.

What happens if a guy says they hate you then make up a reason why they hate you?

i would think he really doesnt hate you he LIKES you a little

Did the guy from man vs food die?

no people say that because they hate travel food channel so people on google just say that because they hate him i mean HATE'N HIM LIKE LEBRON JAMES SAYS HATERS GOING TO HATE

How do get a girl to hate a guy?

This is simple be mean and rude.

What does it mean when your guy friend told you to get married?

he hate me

What if a guy is mean to you What is that mean?

It means they like you OR it means that they just hate you. :) NO OFFENCE!

If a guy says that you are pretty does that mean a guy likes u?

If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.