This is typically said by a girl so it's kinda strange if a guy says it, but if he does, he basically means he's pre-cumming, or semen is coming out of him. This happens if you turn him on or he is sexually aroused, and this can happen before or during sex.
It is when a girl is turned on sexually and her vagina becomes moist. If you are not "wet" enough, (usually for sexual intercourse) this can feel very uncomfortable. If you are not "wet enough" you can purchase a lubrican which makes stimulation easier. You can get "wet" from foreplay, watching porn, or basically anything that turns you on.
if by wet you mean a boner then yes yes he does
getting your haircut while its wet
does it mean a wet kiss
Depends on how intensely he says it. It could mean anything from, "You and I are not friends," to no verbalization and the sound of a high powered rifle round zipping through the crisp morning air to be punctuated by the wet melon-thump of it striking a human skull. Perhaps you should ask the guy for clarity.
think of whatever turns you on, if the guy isn't an idiot though you wont have to worry about getting wet though
When he says that, the guy is implying that he is going to make the girl sexually arroused. When sexually arroused, a woman tends to begin secreting lubricating fluid from within her vagina - hence getting "wet". The phrase would usually be said as something like a brag or boast or as "dirty talk".
Nothing. "Mad as a wet hen," however, means very angry, as chickens are supposed to hate getting wet.
I believe it means wet. Hope this helps. FROM THE HOPE THIS HELPS GUY
Hens don't like getting wet, it makes them angry. So if a person is sore as a wet hen, that person is very angry.It means a girl is mad... because hens dont like getting wet...She is extremely angry and furious.
Because, Your're getting Excited (Or turned on). Your Genitals (Vagina Lips) will get wetter and slippier the more sexually aroused you become. (Which means wet or Horny.
A wet dream? It's where a guy goes through puberity and his penis "leaks" fluid out during his sleep.