well now... it depends on where he pats you on the back..
lower back.. he wants to get some
upper back.. your just friends
middle.. he likes you
shoulder... he hates you!!
He is small
To text the girl back.
This might mean that there is someone that she likes and the guy likes her back, but they are not dating.
A girl that is hollered back by a guy.
yes or the guy is just flirting with the girl
That means the guy has to move on with his life. But if he doesnt find out she has to let him down easy.
It could mean that he is trying to console or comfort you in a friendly way. It could also indicate that he finds you endearing or charming in that moment.
That that girl thinks that that guy is handsome.
it means that the guy or girl is with another guy or girl at the same time that they are with you
What do you mean by "Guy aids"?
The had sexual intercourse with that guy or girl
that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl. that means that they like being around that guy. it does not always mean that they like the guy but it could mean that they like to hang out with the girl.