It means that his dick is small because if it wasn't he would worry about somebody looking at it when he went to pee
Pee Shy was created in 1993.
Pee Shy ended in 1998.
He wants you to pee on him.
Frequently, it does mean that, yes. The opposite is also true: Girl shy around certain guy, quite possibly because she likes him.
You're dating.
He Likes YOU!
Most of the time.... he may just be a shy person. But if he's only shy around you, then yeah:)
you can only get shy guy by cheating
shy guyHow about...Shy guy
It means that he is shy towards you. That could mean that he likes you, or he is uncomfortable around you.
Answer It means that he really really likes her and hopefully she's not shy and perhaps asks that guy out as he seems shy to pop that question.
Shy guy is a character in the Mario games from Nintendo.