That means he's not afraid to show his affection for you in public. So technically, he is saying that he is proud of your relationship and isn't afraid to hide it! That's good!
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Put your hands in his pockets and stroke it.
#When he goes out with her #When he kisses her #Holds her hands #When touching her
It means that that guy is gay and he seems intrested in you
If a guy holds your elbow it means he is protective over you and is caring towards you. This could mean he likes you.
His hands were cold
it means hes a player
It means that he must go ahead.
it is not bad the guy is just telling u that u have small hands that is all
It means that the guy likes you. Since he is older... he wouldn't just smile every time he See's you! Since your younger than he would probably ignore you if he didn't have a thing for you.
It just means they have small hands, everyone is built slightly different.
He likes you
That he wishes to perform oral sex on you.