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He is interested in you. If you are talking to a guy and he is looking somewhere else hes simply bored or just isn't that into you but if he's facing you while having a conversation he's INTERESTED! :)

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8mo ago

When a guy faces you while talking to you, it typically indicates that he is engaged and interested in the conversation. Facing someone directly shows that he is giving you his full attention and is actively listening to what you have to say. It can also suggest that he is likely comfortable and open in your presence.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy faces you while talking to you?
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It means she's smiling while she's talking, probably nothing more.

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well is is looking at you while he is talking? Because some people call that a conversation. If not it sounds like, the guy is spacing out for a minute or two.

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He probably thinks you are beautiful,as all girls are.

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He wants to make sure that he has your name correctly, is trying to bug you, or likes saying your name.

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He must like you, to be staring at you. Either that or he's admiring your eyes, but seriously what guy does that?