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It means that he likes you but doesnt want to get sick of you and stop liking you, or hes just busy

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Q: What does it mean when a guy doesnt talk to you as much but still wants to see you every week?
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What does it mean when a guy doesnt talk to you but talks to every other girl?

he either doesnt like you or he doesnt want to talk to you at the time or he wants to make you jealous.... and its working huh?

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It means that she has no idea if she wants to be with you anymore. If you still want her as a girlfriend then you need to change your ways.

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That means that she wants you back of course. Also that she still has feelings for you.

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Being a guy, he probably wants to have sex with you. But that doesnt mean he doesnt really like you. You shouldn't reject a guy just because he wants sex.

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he probably likes you and if he doesnt see you everyday then he probably wants to and wants a pic to look at.

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well basically he still wants to fix things and all so the baby can grow up and not have his parents fighting and hating each other, he doesnt have to be in a relationship he just wants to fix everything and still be in yours and the baby's life

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I may mean a couple of things... She may not be over you, but thinks its better to move on She still wants to be friends and hang out alot She feels she made a mistake and wants you back OR She is just used to having somebody around her like you, and she doesnt have that now, and wants it.

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It means they like you.

My ex boyfriend still keeping contact with me after he broke up with me?

Maybe all he wants is to be friends? Just because you didnt work out as a couple, doesnt mean he doesnt still think of you as a friend. If you, however, dont feel the same it would be best to tell him. It also depends though, on if he still flirts. Or if when he calls you all he wants to do is think about 'old times'. This probably means he's not over you.

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well that mean that she doesnt like any one eles and that she still want to be your friend

What does it mean if youre in a relationship and she wants less time with you?

Well it doesnt necessarily mean she doesnt want to be around you. Maybe she just needs more alone time.

Does Ashley still wrestle?

if you mean she doesnt