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When a girl cries for a boy

It means

She misses him alot


When a boy cries for a girl

It means

No one in this world can love the girl

More than that boy..!

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Q: What does it mean when a guy cry for a girl?
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Then don't go to sad movies

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Depends. What happened that made you cry?

It weird if a guy cried over a girl he likes?

Yes but it's not weird to cry over a girl you love.

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She's sad

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yes or the guy is just flirting with the girl

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first of all. it is not a good thing to make a girl cry even if she is mean.just pray for her, be nice to her, and forgive and forget.

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he doesn't want to talk

What is moments by One Direction about?

it is about a girl about to die and then the guy commits suicide because he can not live with out her i cry when i listen to it and that is why