it means that he really truly loves you...or hes obsessed with you. or he or she couldn't let you go because of his or her insecurities and possessiveness...
get over it :P haha shame, he dumped you!
well sometimes its hard to let go of a guy. if you love them then you love them nothing can change that. you cant let go of him. if you keep falling for the same guy then you must truly be in love with him
You go to the guy in the cell and let him out You go to the guy in the cell and let him out
That he still likes her or still is in love with her.
spend more time with him you guys will eventually cling
let him go!...he will not let you go then....hopefully :P
Go out with a different one.
When she has a muscle that grabs your private parts and want let go till she is ready
U might have feelings for him are u love him so much u cant let him go.......
they haven't made mighty guy 3 yet
It has ''gas'' it cant let go.
Sarah Ellen