it means that he might like you or wants to be left alone
ma be he says it to be closer to u or just get popular
he will ask you out and say sorry
Get rid of him!
nothing, the guy is just a rude idiot. dont worry about it. guys are just stupid sometimes.
Basically it means that you were a one time fling. This is a rude term and you should probably slap this guy across hiss sorry face
When a boy calls you names, there is more than one possibility of what it could mean: 1. The boy who calls you names might like you. When a boy likes you, they might tease you in a joking way. 2. The boy who calls you names might think you're annoying, so he calls you names. 3. The boy might be mean, and call everyone names.
Well she likes you or she thinks that you are adorable or you are cute(no ther)
If a guy calls you "kid", it is a term of endearment.
This is simple be mean and rude.
If he appears awkward around you he's shy. If he sees you and goes red in the face he's shy and if he seems to appear at places you are at, but can't seem to bring himself to talk to you then he is shy. Rude is when a guy calls you names or jokes around with you in an inappropriate manner or, if they spread rumors about you or play jokes on you at your expense. Rude is ignoring you completely.
Sometimes, it depends on how he acts around you and how he acts on the phone!!
a bodybuilt guy
he wants it.