were you riding in a car without a seatbelt at the time? Because if the car were to crash, your body would bounce around the interior of the car like a 100+ pound projectile and kill all your friends.
If a guy calls you "kid", it is a term of endearment.
a bodybuilt guy
he wants it.
That your easy to Get into bed
Its a term of endearment.
Get rid of him!
he's flirting with you
it means your UGLY!
I am a GIRL. That means they are FLIRTING with you! Congrats!
well its not easy to say this but it means. everything is good but your face but if a guy calls you that forget him you too good for him!
I believe that the commercial where one man says to another "Did you know a spoon can be a deadly weapon?" is a commercial for Farmers' Insurance. The scenario is that the instructor is walking a student through a house and showing hi all the things that can go wrong.