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When a girl winks at you in a text she is into you

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12y ago
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11mo ago

A wink in a text message can convey flirtatiousness, playfulness, or suggest that the sender is sharing a secret or inside joke with the recipient. It's a way to add a touch of fun or a hint of mischief to the conversation.

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13y ago

Okay well 😉winks to me mean to things like joking or flirty time lol but if u talk to her a lot than its mostly FLIRty time lol

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Probaly love!

Where do you download winks on an iPhone?

Winks are a great way to dress up your text messages. Winks are standard in the iPhone's operating system, but modded versions are available through the App Store or third-party distributors.

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To text the girl back.

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There could be many reasons that a girl may not text someone back, even if they ask the person to text them. The girl may not be that into the person, or they may have been busy and have not had time to text the person back.

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No need to worry that's just her text style.

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yah of course !

If a girl always text you throughout the day what does this mean?

It means she likes you and enjoys talking to you.

When did Robin Winks die?

Robin Winks died in 2003.