If someone has bonded with someone it usually means that they have made a connection with them and know them really well.
It means that he believes that you and him should be together. He's flirting with you.
Are. You. There
If you tell a girl that you love her and she says that it's a strong word what does that mean?
When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.
your done
If a girl says you do not pay attention to me, she wants you to pay more attention to her.
If a girl says you smell good, it just means she likes how you smell. It doesn't necessarily mean she like you.
It does not necessarily mean anything if a girl says she will call and doesn't. She may have just been busy and forgot.
That that girl thinks that that guy is handsome.
I don't get it...
At least an hour.