If you asked her out and she says ok then it means you've got a date!
Will get your best girlly friend and ask her to be your fake girl friend and if she says yea then hug her laugh with ger give her a kiss in a the cheek and do it in front of the girl you are gonna get jelous and when she gets jelous she will get MADD or be mean to your fake girlly friend
it means that they are on fire.... literally. one day, my friend poured oil on me and set me on fire and a girl said i was hot. your friend probably meant to warn the girl that she was on fire and was going to die.
it means okay. (Kdot is an acronym)
It means (im doing okay) or (im doing better).
He means that he is not good enough for you .
that basically means he dosent like you so just pass on with this Boy and go one with your life okay :)
under absolutely no circumstances It is okay if the boyfriend says it is okay.
If you ask her and she says yes, then its okay. But if she says no don't grab...
He is showing concern, you look upset or ill to him.
Are. You. There
If you tell a girl that you love her and she says that it's a strong word what does that mean?
When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.
If a girl says "fine," it could indicate that she is okay or accepting the situation, but it could also imply that she is not completely happy or satisfied. It's important to consider the context and her tone of voice to fully understand her meaning.
It means he probilly likes you
No. Get a life.Hey person above- stop being mean! It is okay to find a girl to date over X-box.
your done
Say something you idiot!! And i don't mean just say okay either. If you love her then tell her! If you don't, don't say you do. It will get you in trouble later.