1 he is trying to be cute and flirty and say maybe just to keep you guessing
2 he is avoiding the true answer.. he covers up by saying maybe
3 he means no (example) "am i pretty?" "maybe" he just doesnt want to be mean
If shes not totally down to hangout then this means you gotta let her come to you to tell if shes worth it... for instance let her get a hold of you and ask you to hang out don't show her your into her as much as you really might be....play hard to get it'll only make her want you more... But in this case I would just not text back and maybe you will leave her dumbfounded and it will make her want to hang out a lot more... good luck!
Actually... here, look. I'm a girl. I know girls. If you play hard, she'll hate you. If you don't text back she'll hate you. And what she means is "I'm not totally excited about it, but I don't wanna hurt you and say no just like that."
She wants to be friends, but maybe you've not realized this.
Just ask her, maybe she says Yes maybe she says No....
Maybe she's probably sad or maybe breaking up with you or just wants to be friends. This is my opinion.
It means exactly what she says: You are a slob. Period. Maybe not to the extent you would notice, but certainly to the extent SHE does.
"Maybe" could mean that she is unsure of her feelings, or too shy to admit her feelings. Continue to build your friendship with her. Work on trust factors and communication. Eventually, you will know what "Maybe" means. Good luck.
If this girl is your doctor, then she is probably going to prescribe you some testosterone supplements, or maybe even perform a surgical modification to your genitalia.
This means you are his "back-up girl." When he is through with his current girl, you will be there for him as backup.
she say may be is not at all she do with all
maybe she is a good friend and meant it in a friend way.
Are. You. There