For a girl to blow in a guy's ear, it usually means they're trying to slowly edge him on. If a girl does do this to you, she normally wants you to get closer or kiss her. If you can tell that she likes you then make your move......GO GET HER
It means he's really weird. Avoid these types of men.
You will have to use your finger on your ear to determine which part of the ear receives a stimulus
Touching it as in brushing behind her ear or twirling it in her finger, if so probably trying to look good, could be a sign, but stay careful I would keep playing the game tell you certain shes' into you.
It sure doesnt
it means "My Crazy Life"
well from what my uncle told me today lol it's like an old folk tell or w.e you put some ear wax on your finger and finger a girl or w.e and if it hurts her she has something but im trying to look up right now whats in ear wax that would make it do that if it does. TRIAL TESTS:D haha
Yes, you never touch your eardrum inside your ear with your finger.
I do not the exact answer, but if you really want to know, stick your finger in your ear, rub your finger around, take you finger out, then lick you finger!!
Playing with a girl's ear can be a non-verbal way to show affection or flirtation. It can also be a way to connect and create intimacy during a conversation or interaction.
You can wear ear plugs, or everytime you get out of the water, air them out with your finger, or if you have a cap, pull it over your ears.
Someones finger
It is when a person spits on their finger and sticks it in another person's ear.