Bisqueet Kittycat is a 1 year old Egyptian Mao from Plano, TX. She has her own Twitter, Facebook, and blog.
poo is not kittycat
kit, kitty, kittycat, , pussycat, cat.
You again
Bullies is what they are called. disrespectful,mean, and a dick
It means he loves you very much as if you were his baby girl and his girlfriend he called you baby girl honey does that mean alot for you
if you mean, "is Adrian a girls name?" then no, it's unisex, meaning it can be for a girl or boy, if you mean "is this person i know called Adrian a girl" then only their mother can know for sure.
No. I mean, wouldn't it be kind of obvious?
Rukaya means a beautifull young girl who has a awsome personaliity&tends to hate fake freaks. -she also hates a girl called tahera,er. she loves a girl called taslima!
What do you mean? ---- I know of 1 Nancy Drew. ---- ---- What do you mean? ---- I know of 1 Nancy Drew. ---- ---- There is one about a spy girl and it is called the galager girl series