Someone that calls someone else a jerk is a jerk. Don't even bother with that dude, it means he's not worth your time or consideration.
LOL or lol means Lots of Laughs or Laughs Out Loud.
It means, that she is happy to see you.
That your a geek and funny looking
yup yup!
You probably are good looking and you just made the second girl mad so she lashed out by calling you ugly as well as a jerk. And different girls think different types of guys are good looking so maybe the first girl liked you but the second wasn't your type.
A friend calling you bossy and laughing weird can indicate that they are getting annoyed with you, but this does not mean that they do not like you.
"THAT GIRL" is not a good term..
If he liked this other girl... why wouldn't he leave his current girlfriend for her? This guy is obviously a jerk who just wants this other girl for sex.
She probably doesn't like you too much.
This mean he is unfaithful to the girl or hes just a jerk and treats women without respect
she trusts you