When a girl says she wants to ask you a weird question, it usually means she has something on her mind that may be unconventional or unexpected. It's a way for her to preface a potentially unusual or surprising topic of conversation.
Not necessarily. A change in behavior can be due to many factors, including feeling nervous, uncomfortable, or insecure around someone. It's important to consider other cues and communication from the person to better understand their feelings.
You may notice signs like increased attention, blushing, or laughter when you are around. She may initiate conversations, touch you often, or try to spend more time with you. Pay attention to her body language and see if she mirrors your actions or maintains strong eye contact.
When your crush acts semi-normal around you then that might be a sign to be read saying that he/she may have a crush on you back. Or it might be that he/she WANTS to tell you that they like you.
It could mean that he is nervous or shy around you, which is why he looks kinda weird when he says hi and waves. His different behavior compared to how he interacts with others may indicate that he has special feelings for you.
If she acts weird around the guy she likes that means she like him if she stares at him it cud mean she likes him if she seems shy around him that cud mean she likes him also
He's jealous
He may just be shy.
2 answers and an opinion 1. She might like you. OR 2. She thinks your wierd. But my advise would be talk to this girl and get to know her better.
He either likes you too or he knows you like him and doesn't feel very comfortable.
well if he keeps showing off or (trying to) then yeah, its a possibility
heartburn Answer It depends on When you get the weird feeling in your chest. There are a lot of different things that could cause it. However, if you getting that weird feeling in your chest when you are around a certain girl it could be anxiety (nervousness) causing it.
No she probably thinks you're weird.
it means you are not impressing her or it means she trying to get you out of her life
a flappy gnome. It means that she might not want people know that she likes you, so she is mean to you..
it means Your weird
It means that you're wierd