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Thank her for the compliment and keep it on a friendship level. If you start getting uncomfortable let her know. State your boundaries from the beginning and stick to them.

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Q: What does it mean when a female friend says she has feelings for you but wants to remain friends?
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Don't. That is, if you want to remain friends.

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find new, real, friends. yikes! uh, ask your friend about it and tell her. if she just tells her best friend, you shouldn't remain friends with her!

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I am a conservative male, my best friend is a liberal female. We disagree on a lot of things, but we still respect and appreciate each other. We make sure we never make any disagreement personal, just about the subject, and we stay friends.

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You can still easily be friends with both and not ruin anything. Just get over any lingering hard feelings (if they remain) between you.

What do you do if you're in love with your best guy friend?

Depending on how you feel, you should make him aware of your feelings. Your best friend should understand your feelings. However, you must weigh this with the future possibility of your friendship becoming "awkward" if the affection is not reciprocated. The good thing about dating your best friend is that when you decide to move on with each other, you can - hopefully - still remain very good friends. At the end of the day, so to speak, you should follow your feelings and tell him the truth.

Will your guy friend still be a good friend in middle school?

It is highly possible that you and your friend will remain good friends in middle school. However, both of you will make other friends there as well which is a good thing.

Is it a good decision to date your best friend who's a guy?

well if ur a guy and hes not gay then no. if ur a girl then mabey under the right conditions. you should tell him about ur feelings and see what his are for you. if hes not where you are then remain friends.

What do you do when your best friend doesnt want to be your friend any more?

Then you respect their feelings, learn from the situation and move forward - spend time with your other friends. Suck it up buttercup. Relationships are mutally benificial not one way. There is no BFF, we all have a group of friends that you spend time with, some will drift apart, others you remain close as we live grow and navatigate through our lives.

How do you tell your guy friend that has a girlfriend that you have feelings for him?

I have heard so often from my some of my younger friends that they have a male (or female friend) and never get the courage to tell them (when they are still single) how they feel for fear of losing their friendship. True friends never split-up no matter what the feelings. I'm sorry to say this is not the time to tell your male friend how you feel about him. He is already going with a woman, so, it's best to wait to see if they split-up and after he is over the split-up, then don't miss the opportunity to take it slow and easy and tell him how you feel about him. If you go ahead and talk to him now it could ruin a very good relationship because I have no doubt his girlfriend won't put up with a woman that loves her boyfriend. If you remain friends now at least you can still see him. Good luck Marcy

There is this girl i asked out she said no but she said we can remain friends but she hardley talks to me but she says iam her friend what is up with this girl?

She likely just doesn't want a romantic relationship with you. She feels a bit awkward knowing that you have a crush/feelings for her and therefore doesn't know how to continue being friends with you. Or if you two were never friends, she just wanted to be polite when shutting you down.

If you like your best friend that happens to be a boy and you want to ask him out and he says no what do you do?

I suggest you apologise and still remain friends.

When an ex does not want to remain friends?

When an ex girlfriend does not want to remain friend you can do this. You can tell her the reason about why you want to be friends with her. You can also separate if you are not at all interested yourself.