Performance anxiety. Trying too hard to get hard. Relax, don't stress and see what happens. Is this just when with someone else or all the time? If he can get an erection when masturbating, he can get one with a partner.
it means i cant touch your boobs
He likes you but doesn't want to or he has a girlfriend.
Start dating him and then dump him by saying mean things.
It could mean that he might like you or just cant get enough of looking at you......(perve)
he likes u He likes you or is thinking really hard
It means Don't play hard to get, because nobodys really wants you. Theres no point in playing hard to get, if noone wants you.
if you mean deoxys then you cant get him without a Pokemon event
it prabably mean hes gay or cant find his under wear
nothing other then you cant stop thinking about him
It means your mad at them.
people reffer to soft as weak or you cant fight . a lot of people out think people are soft who arnt hard or cant fight .
people reffer to soft as weak or you cant fight . a lot of people out think people are soft who arnt hard or cant fight .