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He is possibly flirting and trying to attract your attention.

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Q: What does it mean when a boy blows your hair?
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If a boy tells you that your hair is pretty does that mean he is into you?

no, he just has a hair fetish

What does it mean when a boy gets something out of your hair?

It simply means he got something out of your hair.

What should you do if a boy keeps your hair in his book bag?

Run from the stalker! What do you mean he keeps your hair?

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Who is the boy with black hair in dragonball?

if you mean goku's son its gohan

Why does my hair move?

Because the wind blows it on windy days.

What does it mean when a boy like your hair?

It may mean he's trying to turn you on, or he's just being nice.

1996 vw sharan heater blows cold cabin hot?

can you please clarify what you mean, do you mean that the front heater blows cold but the rear blows hot or do you mean that when the heating is on cold it blows hot? many thanks paul

Does watts on a blow dryer mean how hot it gets or how hard it blows out hair?

Watts on a blow dryer indicate its power output, not how hot it gets or how forcefully it blows out hair. The heat settings on the blow dryer control the temperature, while the speed settings determine how forcefully air is blown out.

What is a boy hair id on clubpenguin?

There is many boy hair IDS

Did Theodore Roosevelt like school why?

No. because he was a boy and schools blows.

How does hair get oily?

during the day the wind blows all kinds of dirt and stuff into your hair. it also has to do with hormones