It means that follow what you think before what you feel. Usually its the other way around though, like the saying "follow your heart", but in this case it means the opposite, to care more about something logically rather than having your feelings get involved.
it means value what you think more than what you feel. trust your rational thoughts and carefully look at what you feel in your heart
one thinks with his/her head and feels with one's heart
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head
well it could mean he thinks with his mind (head) about what his heart wants....OR most likely its the dirty joke of a guy loves with his penis (the other head, hahaha, that's the joke) rather then his heart
Do you mean when you are waiting to tee off? Then the answer is no, you don't have to but you can do. You can hold it by the shaft, or hold the grip with the head on the ground.
They mean Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
It just means that the ball is hit higher than what is normal, which could mean at head-level or higher.
When a guy moves his head from resting on your knee higher to you thigh, then your pelvis, he is being suggestive, and stop him if you are uncomfortable with it.
More people survive shots to the head than heart. This doesn't mean that they are ever the same again - most brain damage is permanent. Large caliber weapons usually kill whether in the heart or head - damage is too great to survive.
Holding something over your head gives the mental image of holding it just out of reach so that you will pursue it.
when someone is in love love you feel it in your heart and always think about him never let that person in your head that mean that you still love him in your heart.